Since time immemorial is held in Cusano Mutri, the day of “The body of the Lord”, the Flower Festival.
It is the pride of citizen volunteers and local artists, that for its implementation make use of only the floral resources that offers the natural flora of the place.
A few days before the party, hundreds of women, men, children and young people pour into camps around to strip them of their flowers by shining brighter colors to be used in the weaving of soft and velvety designs on the morning of “The body of the Lord”.
Given the delicacy of the material, the carpet begins to take shape only towards the 6 the feast day morning, after the previous day, from 17,00, it has taken steps to trace the design on the street.
Then the streets, the streets and squares are filled with all dell'Infiorata architects who take to fill the parts with colorful petals, just as a painter in the act to paint his finest masterpiece.
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