Piazza Armerina | Sunday 16 December 2018

the novenas

The Novena to Piazza Armerina made in December resume one of the few traditions remained in the country, where folklore traditions and religion come together and give life to a real story of "Birth of Jesus". From always in neighborhoods and various routes have existed newsagents containing a picture of the Madonna or the Family Festival, others were instead prepared specially in this period.

He prepared the shrine framing it with the bay leaves and a "starry sky" full of wild asparagus and cotton balls. Within it, in turn, they were put 9 large oranges that marked the days when they celebrated the novena. Every evening, from the 16 al 24 December, the band of musicians of the country gathered around the novena and they performed traditional pieces that reminded the Nativity.

It was set fire to a large bundle of wood that had symbolically heating Jesus. And the scene was repeated again in the other the same evening novenas, and all citizens were moving along with the band to see and hear the melodies that, even if they were the same, They were repeated to commemorate the memory of the ancient melodies of bagpipers or Christmas litanies. On the evening of 24 December, after the famous song “You come down from the stars", It was performed only once a curious waltz that reminded customers a duty to pay the musicians. While further novena was celebrated on 6 January, for the Feast of the Epiphany.
Once also this beautiful Christmas tradition was lost, and it was just the people to want to re-float. Today is not only a tradition that is not overlooked, but over the years the novenas have increased dramatically, adding new uses such as to shoot off fireworks.
Do not miss these very beautiful days, because it will be a little, allowing for a dip in the true tradition piazzese.


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