Travel routes in Barumini: Zapata house
GRAND TOUR BLOG | 7 May 2019

Travel routes in Barumini: Zapata house

The Nuragic Village of Barumini is a place of infinite surprises. In the previous article we discovered the beauty of Su Nuraxi. Today we look at the most interesting aspects of Zapata palace, a Spanish noble house.
Visiting it is like traveling back in time. The collective imagination refers to a noble residence of the sixteenth century. Gardening just a few short walk to find themselves body and soul to about three thousand years before.

Zapata house: the old structure

Casa Zapata was built by the noble Aragonese family of Zapata arrived in Sardinia in 1323 Following the Infante Alfonso who was preparing to conquer the island. Its plan to L it is distinctive and refers to as constructive typology Palace of Zapata Family located in the district of Castello in Cagliari.

Among the various buildings that make up the residence stands a beautiful building, with elegant adjoining garden, built between the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century to become Baron's Office and the feudal lord. Very special are two other masonry bodies of agricultural relevance, accomplished since the early 1900, used as warehouses, barns and farm house open onto a large courtyard that allowed the free movement of men, goods and animals. First of Casa Zapata is located the Parish of Our Lady Immaculate, whose construction was probably commissioned by the noble Aragonese family.

The pole Museum Casa Zapata

In 2006 in the area where once stood the Spanish residence of the Museums Casa Zapata was inaugurated, unique in its kind. Fully accessible even by people with different abilities the Museums Casa Zapata was achieved by pursuing a double aim to preserve the structure of the building and at the same time make available for the existing overall nuragico top, through a system of suspended walkways supported by transparent pavings.

The museum project is divided into three macro-areas: archeological, historical and archival and ethnographic.

The archaeological section, made in the oldest area of ​​the Palace, It is distinguished by the presence of an imposing nuraghe under the building structures and a prestigious collection of relics (over 180 pieces) found in the archaeological "Su Nuraxi".

The historical archives section proposes some of the most important documents in the Zapata family and the community of Barumini.

The ethnographic section consists of a small room host some of the most common objects of the last century with the adjoining "Regional Museum of Launeddas" ??, small space dedicated to the ancient Sardinian musical instrument.

Travel Meta also suitable in the gloomy days, Casa Zapata is ideal to discover how magical this place has to tell the Nuragic civilization and the interest that has continued to inspire throughout the history of Sardinia.

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