The literary prize Energheia is a literary contest for short stories come, in 2018, at its twenty-fourth edition. Its location is the city of Matera, next European Capital of Culture in 2019. The association's aim is to cultivate, youth environment, the passion for reading in addition to the will and desire to find a channel of expression of thoughts and emotions. The prize, not the case, It has several sections: writing, visual arts, short films and comics and uses forms of dissemination on paper and on the web. The prize can simultaneously engage all of these expectations, not only at national level. The sections of the International Prize (in Lebanon, Spain, France, Palestine, Slovenia, Hungary, Israel and Africa), favoring the encounter / confrontation with other realities, underlining its importance for growth of the person and of the culture of each country.
A cultural exchange which also serves to raise awareness of individual citizens, and that is one of those that are at the roots of tolerance in the manner and defined "other" cultures. The prize, in summary, in embracing the five arts, It is a way to promote the area and its landscape, scene of many stories and many film productions. A promotion that facilitates knowledge of the city, and its hinterland, Consequently, of its citizens and their way of life and thought. No coincidence that the final days of the Prize are held in the National Museum of Archeology "D. Ridola "of Matera, full of important archeological finds and symbol of a civilization evolved over time, through the "human doing", until the art of writing as communication of one's being and the use of technologies such as sharing experiences.
The originality that distinguishes the award is related not only to the large number of participants and contacts that manages to have every year, the vast and varied number of readers Committee (volunteers, in the first step of evaluation of the stories, They are called to express their own judgments on a folder of stories assigned to them) ma, mostly, to the many people who, referring to the association helping to achieve its remarkable cultural production. This refers to those who work in editing of anthologies, translations (English, Spanish, French), in the realization of the shorts (casting, music, screenplays). It is this combination of ideas and people, It makes the original initiative and at the same time, participated in all its phases, from promotion to selection, up to the awards ceremony, in the course of which the Jury, It composed of personalities of the culture of the national and international level - that vary from year to year -, decreed publicly vincitori.Nel course of year, the association realizes:
- The stories Energheia - anthology of stories finalists, Italian and the winners of the various sections which make up the prize: The very short Energheia - Prize "Domenico Bia" -, Energheia Cinema, a subject for a short film and finalists European award (Spain, Israel, France, Palestine, Hungary, Slovenia and Lebanon) in the original language and its translation.
- Tales of Africa Teller - anthology of stories finalists of the award open to the countries of the Black Continent in Italian, English and French.
- Energheia Clouds, comics, comprising the finalists comics.
- 2 Short Films drawn from:
- The "Best story for a short film", loosely based on the story that participates in Energheia Prize.
- The individual winner of the Energheia Cinema "Best Subject for a short film".
The phases of the Prize
Energheia The competition is divided into several sections: the
Energheia literary prize (on paper),
The Ultra-short Energheia (stories made with a maximum limit of 4000 jokes on a theme chosen each year) ed
Energheia Cinema (subject for the realization of a short film). These sections are added to international initiatives:
Energheia Europe (for Spain, Israel, Slovenia, Palestine, Hungary France and Lebanon) e
Africa Teller (addressed the language Anglophone and Francophone countries of Africa). These sections of the International Award are open to young authors under 30. there is, finally, the section
Energheia Clouds, dedicated to comics.
The first stage involves the spread of the call with the printing and mailing of postcards and posters bearing the arrangements for participation in the competition by more than 10.000 postal addresses, 8000 newsletters web e 2700 contacts on social networks - Facebook - in the autumn / winter of each year. A similar distribution is done with the website:, rich materials, anthologies for free download in various digital formats, stories, photo, short films, comments and information on the Prize, in addition to numerous sites and contacts cultivated over the years that amplify even more the initiative.
The second phase begins with the deadline for delivery of short stories. It sets up the "readers Committee" consists of reading groups in which the stories are submitted, anonymization, trasmessi for her hands out of the way of the web. The committee is composed of over 750 components, reading enthusiasts and / or cartoon and belonging to the most diverse classes of age and place of the Peninsula. These, over several months selecting:
- The ten finalists stories, five for each section in which is divided the Energheia award: writers from 15 to 22 years and writers beyond 22 years;
- The top ten of the section The very short Energheia _D. beer - short stories with a theme that varies from year to year.
- The top five of the section Energheia Cinema, a subject for a short film.
- The top ten for the section Energheia Clouds, comics.
A similar action takes place with regard to the committees of the European section readers (Spain, Palestine, Hungary, Slovenia, Israel, France and Lebanon), where also select the best five of which indicate the winner.
Once the finalists selected, It is passed to the third stage, ie at the stories of the jurors - strictly anonymous -, for their assessment, while communicating to the various finalists the date of the award ceremony which takes place in September in Matera. The jury, It composed of personalities from the Italian cultural world, It varies from year to year, identifies, just hours before the start of the ceremony, the winner of the prize and the Best Energheia tale for the realization of a short film to be carried out by the association Energheia, in addition to any stories deserving to be rewarded. It follows that for the finalists present is moreover a nice and pleasant surprise to be given by the jury as winners of the Prize.
And to award
Energheia Europe (Spain Lebanon, France, Slovenia, Palestine, Hungary and Israel) ed
Energheia Africa Teller, finalists selected in each participating country, Readers are evaluated by a committee consisting of ad hoc, that reads the submitted material only in the original language and identifies the winner. In such a way, once he identified the author or the author of the story, these being hosted - in association expenses - in the week of the awards ceremony, to receive recognition.
The fourth and final stage involves the creation of the following anthologies: The stories Energheia, Energheia Clouds, Tales of Africa Teller, with a meticulous work of editing and translation of texts. The books are all edited by the Energheia and products in print and in various electronic formats, free download from the site Energheia.
In addition,, finally, the realization and production of short films screened at the conclusion of the next edition of the Prize. Again, the short films are free to download from the website of.
National dimension and international Event
In the embodiment of the Prize, as a whole, the association has set up partnerships domestically and abroad, listed below:
Society "Dante Alighieri" Tripoli (LEBANON);
Embassy of Italy in Beirut;
Patronage Spanish Government;
University of Barcelona (SPAIN);
Bezalel University of Jerusalem (Israel);
University La Sorbonne, Paris; French institute; Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Italy; University of Maribor; University of Ljubljana; Hungarian Academy of Rome; Quimera Magazine Leteraria; Time Zones of
Bari; Amani NPO from Milan; the
Koinonia Center e
Radio Waunini in Nairobi; magazine