Santa Maria de Idris
Basilicata | archaeological heritage

Santa Maria de Idris

Via Madonna dell'Idris, 75100 Matera MT, Italy

351 0585564

How to get?


The Church of Santa Maria De Idris O Madonna de Idris It is located at the top of the rocky outcrop of Montirone (or Monterrone), near San Pietro Barisano Sassi of Matera. The location is wonderful and offers a unique view, the city and the Gravina. The church of Santa Maria de Idris dates back to the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and is part of a rocky complex that also includes the most ancient crypt, dedicated to St. John in Monterrone. Questa cripta è importante per gli affreschi che conserva e che vanno dal XII al XVII secolo. The two churches are communicating.


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