The poster
The Manifesto for joining the circuit PatrimonidelSud (unesconet), the network of companies for UNESCO sites, is an initiative within the Project Network UNESCO sites, funded by MiBACT, addressed to companies directly or indirectly related to tourism, falling in the provinces territories, Metropolitan Cities, Free Municipal Consortia and southern Italian towns in which they are UNESCO sites. This action aims at the development of tourism in such areas, to contribute to the protection and enhancement of existing UNESCO heritage, to enterprise development and well-being of local people. The goal is to create a network between the territories of Southern Italy that are home to a UNESCO site, to promote, through the use of new technologies, all scenic resources, cultural, food and wine of these territories offer unique tourist and integrated.
Who is
This initiative is aimed at selected companies headquartered in one of the municipalities belonging to the provinces, Metropolitan Cities, Free Municipal consortia that have a UNESCO site in southern Italy, ie Matera, Salerno, Caserta, Benevento, Bari, Barletta-Andria-Trani, Foggia, Syracuse, Enna, Palermo, South Sardinia. In particular, the UNESCO project sites:
• Amalfi Coast (SADDLE)
• National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano, with the archaeological sites of Paestum, Velia and the Certosa di Padula (SADDLE)
• Royal Palace of Caserta with the Park, the aqueduct Vanvitelli and the San Leucio Complex (THIS)
• The monumental complex of Santa Sofia (BN)
• The Trulli of Alberobello (BA)
• Castel del Monte (Andria - BT)
• Via Monte Sant'Angelo e Langobardomm (FG)
• La Foresta Umbra (FG)
• Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto (SR)
• Syracuse and the Rocky Necropolis of Pantalica (SR)
• The Villa Romana del Casale in Piazza Armerina (IN)
• The Sassi and the Park of the Rock Churches of Matera (MT)
• The Archaeological Area On Nuraxi Barumini (VS)
• Arab-Norman Palermo and the cathedrals of Monreale and Cefalu (PA)
Eligible applicants include companies in the following categories:
• Hotel Accommodations and extralberghiere;
• Restaurants and Exercises (restaurants, Inns, wineries / wine, pizzerias, bars etc.);
• Tourist Information Points;
• collective and individual transport services;
• Touristic guides
• Other tourist and commercial operators, including those providing recreational services.
Through the Manifesto it is to create an award-winning product that will "reassure" the tourist demand, inhaling loyalty, acting on the territory of the positive economic impact.
Why join
The possibility of membership is reserved for companies that have specific requirements, or as provided for their allocation within six months from the date of accession. The company may benefit from numerous advantages such as:
• greater visibility firm adherent (website + logo "recommended firm");
• exclusive attribution of a quality mark, only members acceptors;
• a higher tourist satisfaction and guest loyalty;
• the creation of an offer seasonally adjusted, centered on the discovery of the existing UNESCO heritage;
• strengthening the quality of its tourist offer;
• the creation of an offer that meets the expectations of the new tourist demand.
The participating subjects will be inserted within the portal, labeled "recommended firm". They will expose the brand of "Companies belonging to the network of companies for UNESCO sites" for promotional purposes, on the website and with window sticker at the place of business.
Minimum requirements for membership
For each category of businesses, The Manifesto sets a number of minimum requirements, mandatory for all persons wishing to join. Between these:
Website, an email address and a telephone contact;
Foreign Languages, at least one language other than Italian;
veracity of the descriptions / matching descriptions;
Ability to make reservations;
Payments by credit card / cash machine;
Reception Accessible tourism / Disabled;
Update staff;
constant maintenance of structures and installations;
Preparation services for foster families with children;
To join
Membership is those companies that meet the requirements described in the Manifesto for membership in the network of companies for UNESCO sites, who share the aims of this initiative and accept Regulation. It is also required to be available, by the firm adherent, the annual compilation of an online questionnaire on the company itself. To join, the owner of the business or the legal representative must fill out Annexes A (MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION) e B (SURVEY REQUIREMENTS) and send them to e-mail or by filling the wizard at
By filling the form adherent subjects undertake to accept the regulation and thus to assume, together with the rights and benefits, the commitments prescribed in the "Manifesto for membership in the network of companies for Unesco Sites". Membership of the Manifesto valid for one year and is renewable, after verification of the maintenance of the requirements and the achievement, even partial, of targets. The ability to withdraw from the initiative is allowed at any time.