Social Media Policy Unesconet

La social media policy illustra all’utenza le regole di comportamento da tenere negli spazi digitali del progetto Unesconet e indica quali contenuti e quali modalità di relazione ci si deve aspettare.

Unesconet utilizza i social media con finalità istituzionali e di interesse generale per informare, communication, listen and to encourage participation, discussion and dialogue with tourists, tour operators, agencies, associations and citizens with regard to transparency and sharing.

The content includes communications about the activities and services provided, Press releases, publications and official documents, Announcements,, information on events and activities, pictures and corporate videos, of general interest articles about tourist destinations promoted within the portal Social channels are also used to gather comments, requests, questions, criticisms and suggestions.

Taking advantage of the opportunities typical of these services, Unesconet può condividere e rilanciare occasionalmente contenuti e messaggi di pubblico interesse e utilità realizzate da soggetti terzi. In questi casi Unesconet si limita a verificare l’attendibilità della fonte ma non ne certifica i contenuti.
Social channels have their textual content, photo, infographics, video and other multimedia materials that are to be considered in Creative Commons license CC BYND 3.0, They can be freely reproduced, but they must be credited to the original reference channel.

L’eventuale presenza di spazi pubblicitari nei canali social utilizzati da Unesconet non sono sotto il controllo dell’Amministrazione, but managed independently from the social network.

I canali social del portale Unesconet vengono moderati in orari di ufficio (time zone GMT +1, Roma). The moderation by the social team within their own areas is done later, or at a later time to the publication, and it is intended solely for the containment of any conduct contrary to the usage rules.

I canali social del progetto Unesconet NON possono essere utilizzati per pubblicare post e commenti/contenuti che siano discriminatori o offensivi nei confronti di altri utenti, present or not in the discussion, of bodies, associations, companies or those who manage and moderate social channels, for no reason. No insults will be tolerated, foul language, threats or attitudes that adversely affect personal dignity, the rights of minorities and children, the principles of freedom and equality.

Anyhow, They will be removed by the administrator all posts, Comments or multimedia materials:

  • have a political content / propaganda;
  • aim to promote commercial activities and for profit;
  • have inappropriate language and / or a threatening tone, violent, vulgar or disrespectful;
  • contain illegal content or incitement to illegal activities;
  • They have offensive content, misleading, alarmist, or in violation of third party rights;
  • disclose personal data and information that may result in harm or damage the reputation or to third parties;
  • have obscene content, pornographic or child pornography, or likely to offend public morality and sensitivity of users;
  • They have a discriminatory content by genre, race, ethnicity, tongue, religious beliefs, political opinions, sexual orientation, age, personal and social conditions;
  • promote or support unlawful activity, that infringes copyrights or that use improperly registered trademark;
  • content classified as spam.

Unesconet si riserva il diritto di rimuovere qualsiasi contenuto che venga ritenuto in violazione di questa social media policy o di qualsiasi legge applicabile. For those who would violate these conditions, or those contained in the policy instruments adopted it reserves the right to use the ban or block to prevent further action and to report to the user responsible for the platform and possibly the law enforcement agencies.