Arriving in Caserta There is facing the immensity of the sumptuous Royal Palace, immense with its amazing park, its perfect architectures even as they return to other places, as Marcianise, with its churches and museum starting from Annunzia-, the lovely garden of Villa Porfidia in Recale (eighteenth century) from which the gaze is lost towards the plain
Aversa, the Norman city that welcomes visitors with a sumptuous museum of sacred art that is a counterpoint to the Museum of the Atellano, where, thanks to fabulae seems to be born theater italic.
In front of, Monti Tifatini with their mysteries of ancient temples and the suggestion of the plain of the Volturno River as it passes through places that welcome Caiazzo, Triflisco and its ferrous waters, Camigliano with its Sanctuary in Leporano, the ancient Capua famous for the great amphitheater, the stunning new Capua, rich city of art with its Campano Museum.
In the Province you can visit Santa Maria Capua Vetere with the Roman Theater, Mitreo, the amphitheater (which it is the largest after the Colosseum), the mantis shrimp (Roman tomb of the second century), Hadrian's Arch; a few kilometers away is Sant'Angelo in Formis, with the splendid Basilica Benedictine, and Capua, placed between the winding banks of the river Volturno, the Campano Museum which is housed in the Palazzo Antignano fifteenth, the arch of Frederick II, the stones of the eleventh century castle, the palace
Fieramosca of the fourteenth century.
The Volturno continues its stroke bringing water to the plain of Mazzoni, kingdom of buffalo mozzarella, to the sea, where it flows in Castel Volturno, famous for its golf courses and Oasis Variconi, not far from the rows of wine Falerno and the impressive Monte Massico you overlook the modern Tourist facilities Domitia Bay. Beautiful this province that the Romans wanted to 'weave' of roads that made history, Domiziana from Appia, The queen of roads, lapping the ancient Sinuessa (Mondragone), with its stories told through the testimonies collected in the Museo Civico, and then lands Aurinci that gave birth to Sessa Aurunca with its theater plurimillennial, the beautiful churches, not far from Carinola, the Pompeii of the fifteenth century.
The Via Appia cutting Caserta continues to run east to Maddaloni with its rich museums, and down into the valley Suessola, where the impressive Bridges of the Valley seem guardians of the many churches rich treasures in Santa Maria a Vico, Arienzo, San Felice.
Above, the "guardian" of the valleys: Caserta Vecchia, medieval village "guarded" by a beautiful cathedral (century XI) and the ancient castle.
In 1750 Charles Bourbon fascinated by the Palace of Versailles and the Palace bought the Escorial ... ...Read more
An integral part of the majesty and beauty of the palace is the park, consisting of fountains ... ...Read more